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    Download Your 'Free' Guide to Cloud-based EHRs

    Learn all about cloud and what benefits Cloud-based EHR holds for small medical groups

    Cloud based EHR Guide

    Educate yourself on how to achieve success with cloud-based EHRs

    Learn the ins and outs of web-based EHRs and don't compromise on your requirements.

    Medical Groups across the country are adopting cloud-based (also known as Web-based) EHR solutions. But is this option the right one for your physician practice?  

    This e-book will help you:

    1. Recognize why the cloud is a viable—and preferable—technology option;
    2. Understand the data security advantages associated with cloud computing;
    3. Fix issues like slow connectivity on your cloud-based EHR by checking out the recommended bandwidth from Federal Communications Commission in this eBook;
    4. Control costs via a cloud-based information technology platform; and
    5. Learn how to choose the cloud-based EMR that is right for your practice



    Download "Success with Cloud-based EHR" Guide Now

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    "I don’t think we could have obtained a satisfactory EMR with great service without their help. I am glad I found them, and strongly recommend physician, physician groups or hospitals to seek their services. I can’t say any better “You will be glad you found them”.

    Dr. Vinay Kumar, FACS - Laurel, MS

    "When our organization was faced with the task of transitioning to “EHR Software” we moaned and cringed at the thought of the undertaking that lay ahead of us. The excellent support that RevenueXL provided meant that our EMR software was fully customized to meet our very special needs. ".

    Suzi Coleman, Director of Telehealth Services at CtoC