Yes, I need to discuss my requirements with a Specialist.
If you need to speak with a Specialist about any of the following situations or you have any other question, call us at 408-625-7254 or send us a quick message by filling in the form below.
- A small clinic looking to implement an easy to use Certified EHR in the next 45-60 days.
- Not wanting to change your medical billing software and would like a stand-alone Certified EHR which can interface with your billing application.
- A new Practice needing an affordable but full featured Certified EHR.
- A new Practice needing a fully financed EHR and Practice Management with outsourced medical billing services.
- Not wanting to pay for medical billing component of the integrated EMR and Practice Management Software.
- Needing a zero-down financing plan to implement your EHR and that must include hardware, software, training and implementation,
- Need assistance with deciding on web based vs. server-based EHR.
- Need all your existing custom templates to be developed at no additional cost to you.
- Need all training and implementation to be done in-house.
- I have been approached by our local REC with their shortlist of 3 EHR vendors. Do I have to implement one of those to qualify for stimulus?
- Why should I pay for an EMR when there are many free EMR options? (Read our blog on this topic - Free EMR Software?)
Request Your Personalized Session Below:
We value your privacy. Your information will never be given away or sold.Click Submit to receive your Free Personalized Session
What you can expect next:
Within 24 hours you will receive a short call from us to discuss your availability and finalize a suitable date and time slot for our free personalized session.