EMR Implementation

Post-Purchase - Get Ready for ‘Go-Live'

You have to make the necessary arrangements to go live, if you want your implementation to go on without a hitch.

  1. Analyze your current workflow and re-engineer the same in the light of how EMR will be implemented. Work closely with the vendor’s implementation team to define new workflows including prescription refills, lab results, phone triage, etc.
  2. Get adequate training for all the providers and staff. This should be arranged just before go-live date (which itself may be a phased implementation). Work with the select vendor to create a sandbox environment so that everyone can get a hands-on training environment to play about.
  3. Get key data into EMR. This process can be manual or it can be partly automated by creating an extract from your Practice Management System, scanning in required documents and attaching scanned images to encounter records created in the EMR System. You only want to enter data for established or current patients to manage the workload. Remember that this needs to be done ‘before’ go-live.
  4. Buy, install and configure the required hardware. All the providers and staff must have the right level of access to the software and hardware so that they can get their work done.
  5. Make sure that your Practice Management system works. This is a pre-requisite for successful implementation of the EMR System. If you are changing your Practice Management System at the same time as implementing a new EMR System, ensure that the Practice Management System is up and running for a couple of months before phasing in the EMR System.
  6. Implement the EMR gradually. It may help to migrate simple clinical processes to EMR so that providers and staff become comfortable with the workflows and start seeing the benefits rather quickly. This might include lab orders, lab results, prescriptions, etc, which have external interfaces and consume a lot of time besides including plenty of document handling.
  7. Customize templates. Typical EMR Systems come with hundreds of templates. Use the Pareto principle or the 80-20 rule to identify 20% of those templates which will handle 80% of your encounters. Customize these templates as part of getting ready for the implementation. Rest of the templates can be customized as your staff gathers more experience with the new System.

RevenueXL can make the selection and implementation of the EMR System for your Practice a breeze. So why not contact us today, you have nothing to lose, but only to gain, and that’s our promise to you.