Contract Management

How our Contract Management services improve your Bottom Line

RevenueXL recognizes that healthcare provider organizations today are challenged by dynamic cost structures and increasingly complex contracts. It is also well known that large hospital information and practice management systems cannot process complex contract terms, model contracts, and identify and track payment errors.

Most contract management systems are cumbersome and complicated to manage. The result is that most healthcare providers are consistently underpaid and cannot determine exactly what is owed them. In order to improve profitability, they need a solution that will allow them to effectively monitor contract performance over time, and administer managed-care contracts efficiently and knowledgeably.

RXL’s customized contract management solutions allow you to accomplish the following:

  • Define and set up contracts that enable reimbursement calculations, and allow providers and Management to make accurate, timely contractual adjustments at the time of billing.
  • Establish amounts due on account.
  • Compare actual payments received with the calculated amounts due.
  • Use existing contract stipulations to create “what-if” scenarios for future contract negotiations. These scenarios make it easy to analyze the impact of changes to assist you in payer negotiations.
  • Provide management reports to monitor variances and collect underpayments.

RevenueXL’s solution can help you to effectively monitor contract performance over time, and administer managed-care contracts efficiently and knowledgeably. So why not contact us today, you have nothing to lose, but only to gain, and that’s our promise to you.

EMR / EHR Software Solutions

EMR / EHR Software Solutions

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 arrow Selecting an EHR/EMR 
 arrow EHR Incentives 
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 arrow CCHIT Certification
Medical Billing Services

Medical Billing Services

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 arrow Medical Coding
 arrow Medical Billing
 arrow Revenue Acceleration Services
 arrow Denial Processing
 arrow Scanning and Indexing
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